I have another wonderful woman to highlight about weight loss, Kelsey Bullock. I met Kelsey about a month after I got married because I started working for a chiropractor and she was there, pregnant with her first child. Props to this woman because she got pregnant shortly after getting married and now has 3 cute kids, and has a "rockin" body now as a mom! Ever since I started working with her I have looked up to her (seriously, Kels). She is a great woman of faith and wonderful role model as a mom for me :)
After having 3 kids, Kelsey wasn't at the high school weight she used to be and decided to make a change. Let's read her story...
What things did you do to lose the weight?
Six months after our 3rd (and last baby), I started working out probably 4 times a week and watched what I ate more. That is how I lost the first 6 pounds, and I was OK with that. I signed up for a 10k in the fall and stopped tracking calories and just logged my miles as my exercise. By fall, I had put those 6 pounds back on and I was MAD at myself!! And PS. How can you run a 10k and gain weight? Oh, it’s by eating ALL those calories and throwing caution to the wind. J So this past Thanksgiving, I decided that if I was ever going to feel like myself again, I was going to have to be committed and actually put the work in. I started with INSANITY. That got me in the habit of working out 6 days a week. I went through the first 6 weeks and then thought, “I don’t really like this.” It was working in the fact that I was losing weight, but it wasn’t working because I completely DREADED doing my workout every day. Then, Lindsay Brin with Moms Into Fitness came out with a new workout series called Pretty Fierce: Lean Out that is targeted at losing the last 5-10 pounds. It wasn’t that my weight was bad, but my figure was discouraging me. My mommy pouch and belly was still there and if I was ever going to try to lose it, this was my chance. So, my sweet hubby let me get the DVDs and I’m SO GLAD!!! I think it’s the perfect mix of cardio and weight training. I also got serious about the quality of food I was eating….not just counting calories. I realized that I’m a carbo freak (plain bread for snacks, hello!) and tend to give in to sweets. Did you know that those items actually pack a lot of calories?! I dropped another 6 pounds after those 60 days, and have kept around that weight for the last 3 months.
What helps you keep the weight off?
Being in the habit of working out is the main one. Now that I’ve built that time into my schedule, I feel like I’m missing something if I skip a workout! Right now I’m doing 5 days of workouts, one day of yoga/pilates, and 1 day of complete rest. I also know what types of foods to eat and PORTIONS. One day a week I kind of eat whatever I want, and my body seems to adjust….but more than one day off and my pants feel tight. J
Do you recommend any exercises specifically or tips for other women/moms specifically?
I think finding a program or type of exercise you love is key! I realized that I love the challenge of weights, and without it I feel uninterested. Find what you love to do and go for it. I’m also pretty sure adding weights boosted my metabolism (right Steph?) [right!] and definitely toned my body in a way that just cardio won’t. Another thing that really helped me to be successful this time around was doing my workouts at the same time everyday. For me, it’s during naptime. I never quite know how long all 3 will sleep, so I got everything ready, put the kids down for a nap/rest time and went to working out RIGHT AWAY. Don’t check facebook or email before you workout. It doesn’t work. Another thing that I think is really important is to have goals. Initially, my goal was just to get back into my post baby #2 size again. Then I went for my post baby #1 size and then to my high school/college weight. Now that I’m here, I feel motivated to get in the best shape of my life. Not just for the number on the scale (that might not change much) but because I want to live life to the fullest! I think God designed us that way, to live fully for Him in every aspect of our being…not just spiritually, but also relationally, emotionally, intellectually, and physically! This fall I’m signed up for a half marathon, and 2014 is the year of the full marathon. It’s a life goal that I’ve always wanted to accomplish, and now is the time! After that I’ll probably just sit on the couch for a full year and eat cookies, because I miss them. Just kidding. After that, I’m not sure what I’ll want to do, but I will have a goal because that keeps me aiming for something and planning ahead.
Starting Weight: 132.8 (size 8)
Current Weight: 117ish (size 2-4)
Starting Waist: 32.5 inches
Current Waist: 28 inches
Starting Hips: 39 inches
Current Hips: 35.5 inches
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