Saturday, August 28, 2010

2nd Baby Shower....Getting Closer


Wonderful girls...Char and Libby who threw it for me!

Beautiful table with yummy food for us to eat!

Today I had my second shower and it was great. Char and Libby threw it for me (church) and they did such an awesome job. I love those girls! I also had tons of wonderful people from church show up and that was nice. I was blessed with many gifts for Abigail and most were clothes which was nice so she has plenty now.

Melissa and Lauren! Wonderful friends and women!

But as of this morning I noticed that my belly dropped overnight. It is definitely lower and I can tell. I am feeling it on my bladder and legs. I also think I may have lost my mucus plug so we'll see what they say at my next doc appointment which is this week!

I am feeling more emotional the last week or so also. I am starting to feel ready for her to come. I am waddling and at times feeling like a beached whale. lol. God has definitely blessed this pregnancy and I really don't have much to complain about so I shouldn't. I am very excited to meet Abigail and be her mommy. It's going to be wonderful. I feel like she is almost here cause of how much we say her name and other people do too. About 6 weeks's coming soon!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

7 Weeks to Go!


This is me at almost 33 weeks and Tiree at 30 weeks!

I just got done registering for a birthing class next month and I'm excited about that! I also worked this morning and then went to register for MOPS at church to be in that too. This is exciting! Things are really coming together and I'm just under 7 weeks from my due date. We hired a trainer and she will start working with my clients in 2 weeks so it's pretty crazy that this is all happening. I feel conflicted cause I don't want to stop but I want to focus on being a mom as much as I can.
I had a shower on Saturday and that was great. Lots of people showed up and I got great gifts from everyone. This weekend I have 2 more showers and I will be pooped when it's over I'm sure! But I'm very excited about them. Here are some pics from the first one...

Diaper cake my Aunt Debbie made me...amazing!

Cake, cupcakes, and cookies my mom made. Beautiful and yummy!

Also, last night I made this wonderful meal of grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, salad, and corn on the cob. The corn on the cob came from my garden and I grilled it on the bbq. They turned out good too. Yummy! It's so cool to eat food you grew right out of the garden! I know exactly where it comes from, God is so neat!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

We are Blessed

August 18,2010

32 Weeks!

I'm 32 weeks now and I can't believe it! Well, I can because of the way I feel at times, lol. At times it's very challenging being prego. Sleep is getting difficult when you can't get comfortable and get hip-pain. Then you get tired cause you're up almost every hour. You feel like you're going to explode at times because you've never been this heavy before and you're carrying a weighted "ball" on the front of your body! But you do get to feel movements a lot more and they are more prominent. It's also fun to get the room ready and get gifts :) Basically, I want Abigail to come and am very excited to be a mommy. I told her today that she doesn't know how much love and attention she's already getting and she's not even outside of my belly yet! I already love her to pieces!

But the Lord is good to us, always. Last night we were blessed to get a security system for free and it's the best around. I can't believe the things God does. We had paid someone last year to do one and he ran off with our money. We just said that God knew it was going to happen and we just dealt with it but now we get a MUCH better system with a great company. Also, Kyle has gotten more marketing jobs for his business and we heard back from one client today that is wanting to move forward immediately. Praise the Lord! I know He will continue to take care of us and we just have to keep our eyes focused on Him and follow His will for us whatever it may be. Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

With approximately 9 weeks to go till little Abigail is born I'm definitely in full-blown nesting mode now. I have been for a while but now I feel as though it's "kicked-up". I painted a Bible verse on her wall with a couple of butterflies and am organizing everything in the house like a mad woman. I planned out all our meals for the rest of the month and even included things like get-togethers for the church picnic and small group stuff. I am finding deals on everything possible with groceries and diapers/wipes also. Next month I plan to start my freezer cooking for meals that will be for after Abigail is born so I won't have to worry cause I don't know what life will be like and we will really need to not be spending a lot of money. But it's all pretty fun. I just feel extremely productive and no matter how much cleaning I do it seems to be never-ending.

I also have showers coming up this month and it's going to be CRAZY...but really fun. I'm busy every weekend and I can't wait to see what Abigail gets. Plus I will get to organize it in her room! I am praying we get all the necessary items cause baby stuff is expensive!

I'm also excited because I've been praying a lot for Kyle's business (J2 Marketing) to continue growing and it's doing just that. He got called about a really good marketing job and website for a church plant in Indy and it's going great. He's also doing a proposal with people that made up a new invention and want marketing/website to make it a successful business. I am praying that God will give him wisdom and direction with each thing that comes to help them be as successful as possible. It's exciting to see my husband prosper and fulfill his dreams! Praise the Lord!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Harvest Time

Green beans harvested a couple weeks ago.

Here's my potatoes I harvested today. I had one with my lunch and it turned out yum-ummy! So it looks like I'm making a meal with potatoes tonight! I also made a veggie sandwich today with home-grown cucumber and onion, green pepper, and it was good too! I love fresh vegetables and fruits. I also went blueberry picking with my mom a couple weeks ago and picked 9 pounds. I already made a couple of things with them and they are yummy too.

Also, we got work done on the basement with the help of Jordan Mansfield last night. Now we have another room in the basement! It helped a lot cause we couldn't do anything till that got done. Here's the future workout room! I like the angled door.
We also got our crib put together this last weekend and got Abigail's room up and going! I think it looks really good! Here's a pic of part of it.
One cushion is done for my glider thanks to Kyle's mom!

I'm getting excited to see Abigail...less than 10 weeks to go!