Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Postpartum 1 Year

Hannah is turning one! So I need to update my progress...but first pictures of this cutie :)


3 Months

6 Months

9 Months

One Year 

Now on to my progress of getting "down to size." I definitely am continuing to make progress. Reminding myself that this is a journey, not a destination is daily on my mind. You know what? I am ok with that...most of the time, until my pants feel too tight some days! But really, I am content with each day and know that I am giving it to God. He doesn't let me down, no matter what. 

Current Weight... 126. 

Remember these pants?!!!

This is the shirt I originally couldn't button but now have plenty of room to move around in. 

So here's a snapshop of losing the baby belly. Week 1 top left, Week 4 top right, 6 months lower left, 1 Year lower right (I would have written on the pictures but the app was not allowing me to).

I just want to say that my intent on posting all of this is not to just give myself praise. I hope this inspires you to believe that things are possible...anything is possible, with God. I continue to learn from Him. Exercise and eating is a JOURNEY. Do I have it right all the time? No. Definitely not. But I am learning that His grace covers, even when it comes to fitness and nutrition. 

How is God speaking to you in these areas? What temptations do you need to give to Him? The temptation of putting food on a pedestal or the temptation of exercising too much and focusing on the nice body you might have? God wants to break in to each moment of the day. He wants to break in when you want to eat half of that pizza and wash it down with a beer, followed by icecream and cookies. He wants to break in when you are so consumed with losing weight that you press play on your DVD player for another hour of a workout video, when you need to stop. 

It starts and doesn't end with giving all these days and moments to the God of the universe. You know what? He will be the strength you need. He will remind you of who He IS and that He doesn't change. He will work in you what you can't do on your own. Will you lean into Him? He loves you and can't wait to take on your burdens! 

I'd love to hear how you're doing in your journey and I will continue updating. I still have a few pounds to lose and I am ok with that. So how are you doing? :) 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ball Workout #1

Did you know that a stability ball can do more for your workouts than just sitting on it to do crunches? Well get excited and take it out of your closet because there is almost an unlimited amount of exercises you can do with it! But first I want to share just 3 benefits of using a ball instead of no equipment.

#1 A ball is unstable which is a good thing because it works your balance
#2 Since it works your balance you are actually engaging more neurons and muscle fiber which means more calaories burned
#3 Lifting, lunging and twisting with a ball causes an increased heart rate, more blood circulation, and exhausts muscles sooner...which means a harder and more effective workout!

Warm-up: Get the blood flowing for 3-5 minutes with squats, jogging in place, jumprope, briskwalking, very light weights. You can even squat with your ball if you'd like. Light stretching as well. 

Lunge with ball rotation. Keep your knee over the ankle. 10-15 each leg.

The "wheel." Bring the ball to the shoulder and lift over head to the other shoulder. Keep your tummy tucked and abs sucked in tight so you work your stomach **This is important* Do 10.

One leg balance. Have one hand out to the side for balance or put both hands on the ball to make it more difficult. Keep one leg lifted, roll ball out and bring it back in. Do 8 each leg. 

Push-ups! The farther you roll out, the more difficult. So a great way to improve your strength is starting with the ball on your stomach and rolling out closer to your feet. Do as many as possible.

Modified pike. Get in your plank position and bring the legs in to your stomach. Do 8-10.

Side crunch. Pretty self explanatory by the picture. Do 10 each side.

Taking the Side Crunch to the next level and straightening the arm as well. Do 10 each side. 

Ab Roller. Keep your body a rigid piece, roll out and back. Do 5-10. Your abs should be screaming with all this work. 

Now get up and lunge while lifting the ball overhead as you're lunging forward. Do 10 each leg. 

Then get down and crunch. 20 crunches.

Cool down and stretch. 

This is just a few things you can do. I may do another post to show some other awesome ideas. You can repeat this circuit one or two more times if you'd like. Dust that ball off and get to work! :)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Pink and Green Smoothie

I made a delicious, just delicious smoothie that is super healthy too! Win win! Contains healthy fat, vitamins, minerals, fiber, probiotics, and is tasty. Woo hoo! Well here it is. 

Pink and Green Smoothie
1 small banana 
1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries
Handful spinach 1/3 avocado
1 tbsp fiber supplement (optional) 
Probiotic powder 1 scoop (optional
1/4 cup apple juice
1/4 cup water

The banana and avocado make this nice and creamy. Enjoy :)