Hannah turned one last month. After her birthday she stopped breast feeding altogether. A year long journey (view Week 1 postpartum) of nursing has come to an end, and I'm ok with that. The exciting part is my hormones have been balancing out more and more since being done with nursing. It's amazing how our bodies work. To all the moms who struggle with fluctuations and mood swings....it gets BETTER. It's hard to realize that when you're in the midst of it all. You feel like you have become this new person and it won't change, but it does. Praise God!
End of Pregnancy....October 2012
13 Months Postpartum...November 2013
Since nursing ended, I a have dropped a couple pounds. Woot. I knew my body was holding onto weight to keep feeding my little one adequately. It's amazing how much my appetite has slowed down as well. Finally going back to some normalcy.
*Couple weeks ago*
My current weight is 124. It feels good to fit into jeans more comfortably. I am not done yet and am loving the changes my body is making. This is about "endurance" and not a quick fix. I continue to learn and sit in the presence of my Creator. To enjoy each spot I am in, physically and beyond. There is so much I have to learn and I am thankful that The Lord gives me time, grace, and vision.
I am learning to teach my girls by "doing" and not just "talking." I want to show them my fit journey. That I have failings, successes, and goals. To let them know that it's about balance and that it is FUN. Abby was playing the other day and having her dolls "workout." That brings me so much joy because she sees mommy do it in a healthy way and hopefully God-honoring way.
I am learning to live a life of sacrifice, to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus. This is all for His glory, how can I get in on it?! I believe He has given me this incredible passion for fitness and nutrition and I am trying to give my time, knowledge, failings, advice, and myself over to God so He can use it for other people. There is redemptive work to be done in all our lives. I feel like each area I surrender over, the closer I get to tasting a bit more of His goodness.
It's NOT easy, I know. I work hard and I make it a priority. But it's worth it. It really is. It builds character, it can make you cry, it makes you feel vulnerable, it shows you how far you have to go, it gets you out of breath, and it makes you feel weak. But after every workout I feel refreshed, renewed, re-energized, ready to praise God, and I see how exercise breaks down walls that gives Him access to more of me. Why? Because all those things I listed are just opportunities for God's strength and grace to come along side and grow me. It is SPIRITUAL FORMATION.
WIll you surrender? Will you let the Creator do a work in you that you cannot do on your own? I pray for His power in your life. I am cheering you on and I know you can do it because of His help! Where are you at? How can I pray for you and cheer you on? I love hearing from you!
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