Happy half-birthday (6 months) to my girl, officially! Even though it's her half-birthday, her grandma and I got some stuff for her 1st birthday party last weekend. haha. So excited to pull it out. She also got a whole tea set so she can have tea parties with us and mainly her grandpa (Stauffer)...because he loves tea and England :) It's pretty darn cute!

I can't believe how much she continues to change each day. You can tell her personality is really coming out these days. I love it because her personality and attitude is all fun. She just gets excited about everything...she squeals and laughs a lot. And it's SO cute :)
I love this picture. She really likes stuffed animals now, especially this giraffe she got from her Aunt Jen at birth. She also loves to snuggle with a blanket when she's tired. I wish I could freeze time!!!
I went to Shipshewana today and got some amazing deals at the scrap-booking store. Everything but 2 items were $1 each. Oh yeah! I am so excited to get started on her big scrapbook...I finally know EXACTLY what I want to do! I just have to take back the scrapbook I got and exchange it for a bigger one of the same kind. WOO! It's going to be awesome. I could have spent several hours in that store today...something about scrap-booking! I can't wait to post pics of her scrapbook. It will be a while though!
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