Wednesday, April 21, 2010

2nd Trimester

So I'm just over 15 weeks and had a doctor appointment today. We will find out in about a month the gender of our growing baby! The appointment wasn't too eventful but it was fun because Kyle was with me and he got to hear the baby's heartbeat. The midwife had him find it with the little gadget! I also am excited because I gained 2 pounds since my last appointment 4 weeks ago. I feel good about that cause I'm just doing what I normally do and not over or under-doing anything.

Last week was super busy for me and I got overtired and it was not good. I felt miserable and really pregnant. But then I got plenty of rest over the weekend and feel great. My new food thing is making grilled sandwiches and eating's yummy. I am back to wanting to cook and bake a lot. Before I wanted to eat out for a week or week and a half. It's good being in this mode because I like being healthy and it's good for the baby :)

I also made a purchase that will be for mommy hood and I haven't done that before! I got a cover for if I have to breast feed in front of others. It is stylish and it was exciting to purchase it (picture below). I keep getting more excited about being a mom...I am starting to feel the bond of mother and child even though I haven't felt him/her yet. It is just really sinking in that I am nurturing a human being inside of me and it's growing more and more. I thank God for all He is doing and all He is going to continue blessing us with if we keep our eyes focused on Him!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

13 Weeks

Well I'm over 13 weeks pregnant and counting! Heading into my second trimester is exciting because now I will start to show's fine but I don't feel pregnant a whole lot cause I haven't had morning sickness (thank you Lord) but I'm not really showing either. I do want to lounge around a lot more than normal since I'm usually bouncing off the walls but that's not too bad for the first trimester.

I am just excited to find out what the baby's gender is so we can start picking things out, call the baby it's real name, and plan! I am getting excited about my showers cause I've been talking with my mom and Steph Ebright about ideas. I am also praying lots about the future of baby Johnson and my status to be a stay-at-home mom. It's been my dream and right now it looks like it's going to happen but we need Kyle to have more stability with work when it's winter time. God knows and it's in His hands though. What a great time right now :)